Ken Schug, a native of Michigan, is the sixth generation in his family to reside in Northwest Lower Michigan. With an eye for detail, Ken is sometimes being called a, ”micro mineralogist," loves being outdoors exploring as a naturalist, an avid rock hound, prospector, diver, and treasure hunter.
In the fall of 2006, Ken joined the Grand Traverse Rock and Mineral Club, where he was introduced to Lapidary (stone cutting). Within a short time, his artistic eye was honed and shortly after, Ken took his first silversmithing class, then a class on lost wax casting, and followed them up with another silver working class. The combined years of knowledge his instructors passed on is in excess of ninety years! Ken has built on that experience, to develop his own style of creativity.
Ken believes in keeping the trade alive and well, volunteering to pass on what he has learned, teaching Grand Traverse Rock and Mineral club members basic silversmithing. (Private lessons are also available.)
Ken started his own jewelry business in 2012, by founding Down To Earth Designs. Since then, Ken has been marketing unique jewelry pieces from copper, silver, mixed metals Mokume-gane, man made and natural stone items including rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and cuff links.